• Plant height as a simple predictor of the root to shoot ratio: Evidence from alpine grasslands on th

    Climatic variables explained the variations in MPH and R: S ratio of undegraded grasslands better than soil ariables (46–50% vs < 19%), while those of degraded grasslands generally showed insignificant correlations with climatic and soil variables. There was a general relationship between R: S ratio and MPH (negative, R2= 0.76, P< 0.001) across degraded and undegraded grasslands. The relationship was used to predict R: S ratio in 13 dditional plots in steppe grasslands of Inner Mongolia, and good agreement of expected and observed values has been found (R2= 0.87, P < 0.001).

  • 高山林线形成机理及植物相关生理生态学特性研究进展


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