• Correlations between net primary productivity and foliar carbon isotope ratio across a Tibetan ecosy

    Warming climate could affect leaf‐level carbon isotope composition (δ13C) through variations in hotosynthetic gas exchange. However, it is still unclear to what extent variations in foliar δ13C can be used to detect changes in net primary productivity (NPP) because leaf physiology is only one of many eterminants of stand productivity. We aim to examine how well site‐mean foliar δ13C and stand NPP co‐vary across large resource gradients using data obtained from the Tibetan Alpine Vegetation Transects (1900–4900 m, TAVT).

  • 藏东南色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var. smithii)林线的生态气候特征

    高山林线因其对气候因子的敏感性和自身结构的不稳定性而被视为气候变化的"监视器",通过自动微气象站对藏东南色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgeivar.smithii)林线气象因子的连续监测,探讨了色季拉山高山林线的生态气候特征。结果表明:在色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉林线处,年平均温度为1.3℃,年平均相对湿度为79.4%,全年降水量为892.6 mm,主要集中在6、7、8、9月4个月份。林线最热月平均温度为9.4℃,最冷月平均温度为-6.4℃,年生物温度为3.1℃,温暖指数是11.6℃月,寒冷指数是-55.9℃月,生长季内平均温度为7.7℃,生长季长度为133d,大陆度指数为34.0,湿润指数为217.5。其温暖指数与我国两种山地森林树种祁连圆柏和喜马拉雅冷杉的分布上限较为接近。林线的最热月温度、年生物学温度和生长季平均温度与全国高山林线的平均值十分接近。从全球范围来看,色季拉山林线最热月平均温度9.4℃与全球均值10℃很接近。生长季内10cm深度的土壤均温为6.22℃,接近Krner观测的(6.7±0.8)℃全球均值。

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